2019 Nissan Altima S FWD $209/month. Taxes, DMV, Bank Fee, 1st Month DAS


**Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Nissan Altima S FWD
**MSRP: $25060
**Monthly Payment: $209
**Drive-Off Amount: $350-500 DMV, $595 Bank Fee, Taxes, 1st Month
**Months: 36
**Annual Mileage: 12,000
**MF: 0.00047
**Residual: 51
**Available Incentives: $2600 lease rebate (S FWD only), all other trims $1475 lease rebate
**Region: NY, NJ

What’s the lease on a SR 2.5 full sign and drive in NJ?

How much is for a Nissan Altima SV FWD 10k miles.

How much for same car in AWD?

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