2018 Volvo S60 T5 FWD Sedan Deal

Check out page 6, July 3rd.
OP has even verified with edmunds and agreed that loyalty is same as June which is $500.

I would just stop replying if I were you bud. We got other people we can maybe help. Its just posts like yours that misinform other, newer and well in need of information kind of members. Your profile states you have 40 years of teaching… While I highly respect that, I hope being ignorant to society wasn’t a part of the lesson you taught.

Here it is! I’ve been waiting for the know-all guy to say that. This might be the case - NE had extra $750 loyalty in April (I believe), so it is possible. But now he will probably say he knew it all along.

@Ursus - if 10% discount (not including published incentives) is weak on a 2018 S60, what do you consider fair? Do you consider what a dealer pays for advertising relevant? I’ve seen advertising range from $0 to $750. What if a dealer hasn’t hit his CSI objectives and has lost some/all of that money?

@cheapdad00 - your level playing field is going to be difficult to accomplish since unpublished dealer incentives factor in, as well as special incentives, such as stair step performance bonuses. The discount percentage can change dramatically due to unseen incentives (or loss of same), and from market to market. When you’re layering in the rest of the incentives, how do you know if you’re aware of them all?

I understand what you’re both saying about segregating the dealer discount from the manufacturer discounts. Keep in mind the dealer discounts can vary as a consequence of whether a sale is a lease, purchase, cash, finance through manufacturer, or finance through through third party.

I’m just saying don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater because you think 10% from the dealer is weak (it was 12%).

@Ursus - I guess I remind you of some Delta member. Whatever. I take it that’s meant to be an insult.

Don’t, because it was not meant to be.

Okay. That’s good to know.

Volvo’s advertising is $500 everywhere, as far as I know. If we can get 10% off on 2018 XC60 now, I’d think 11-12% (or more) on S60 is possible. We had 12-14% off deals on S90 at the end of 2017. But there are only few of 2018 S60 Inscriptions left, so all depends on the dealer’s willingness to get rid of them before 2019’s show up.

Invoice shows $250 advertising (on the low side, IMO). Shows in stock at Volvo Cars Sarasota per Volvo.

@Ursus - I’ve seen boondock dealers with $0 advertising. NorCal is almost all $500, most of SoCal is $600, all of Arizona is $750.

The original discount was a little over 12%, which IMO is pretty deep. I could see going 12-14% on merchandise that is distressed. Merchandise is less distressed when there’s a ton of manufacturer incentives, though. Agree?

  1. Some rebates can only be used as CCR. I once had this problem. It was more tax-efficient, as you note, for the rebate to cover the DAS but the F&I guy insisted it could only be used as CCR.

  2. Your ‘solution’ isn’t one at all, it is just trial and error. Some people will use an online calculator and some people will build their own spreadsheets which need to be repeatable, scalable, and efficient. Your ‘solution’ sounds like it will appeal to neither group and would probably appeal to exactly 0 people

I know I pay $500 advertising, so it is probably regional.
Going by his numbers:
$30,022 (selling price) + $6,250 (incentives) + $1,000 (loyalty) = $37,272/$41,285 = 0.90 (technically, even under 10% - 9.72%)

@max_g - have you ever worked at a dealer or desked a deal? My solution takes 30 seconds. Add a little more to the selling price to cover the tax & license (as well as the payment) and adjust until the drive-off increases by the same amount as the increase in the selling price. If you need it to match to the penny (which sometimes it never will), then you can waste a couple of minutes on something completely trivial. Coming up with equations and spreadsheets is for those with too much time on their hands. Choose your method, I’m just showing an easy one.

Your ‘solution’ isn’t one at all, it is just trial and error. Some people will use an online calculator and some people will build their own spreadsheets which need to be repeatable, scalable, and efficient. Your ‘solution’ sounds like it will appeal to neither group and would probably appeal to exactly 0 people

This is partially why I compared you to Delta - your attitude towards others.

So, the lessee can do $600 DAS + $300 first month…or “cap the first” and pay ~$900 DAS?

Can you tell me what the point of that is?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

On the Volvo lease contract, the 1st payment is part of the DAS. So to not pay it, for example, a dealer would collect $600 instead of $900 showing on the contract. They just charge the $300 loss to the profit in the deal, which has hopefully been increased by the same amount to offset.

Bad Delta feels he needs to cap the first payment. My suspicion is the lease contract would show the first payment in the DAS. Logically, why would one want to finance their first payment? It just makes the other payments bigger, right? It’s like getting a 30 day delay on the first payment is all.

Looks like there’s 3 identical S60s at this dealership with $41,285 MSRPs!

Looks like Professor Delta has picked up his toys and gone home. Bye!


Trial and error? Really? You just indicted yourself without realizing it. The sad part is that you’ll never know why. I know you have this burning need to always have the last word so, have at it! Enjoy!

I was just showing an easy way to do it. With the increased selling price, tax, license, and who knows what else in Florida changes.

Go ahead and get a fresh stick of chalk while I knock this out in 30 seconds. It’s your time, Professor!

You, however, have a need to show what a great deal you got in two threads- this one and the one where you brag about overcoming the impossible south Florida dealers. As soon as somebody showed interest in your equations, you lit up like a 15 year old girl!

Well, this thread went to sh!t…can we all just get along…

No value, no entertainment any more.