2018 Mercedes-Benz C 300 Coupe Lease deal

2018 Mercedes-Benz C 300 Coupe (SF - Bay Area)

MSRP: $49650
Sales Price: $44,185 (11% off)
Downpayment: $0
MF: 0.00116
10 k / 36 months
MSD: 10 ($6000)
Payment: $536 (incl 9% tax)

Drive Off: $1,248 (incl 1st mo. payment)

Lease Calculator Link

I know that the Money Factor is a bit off from the recommended one of 0.0009. But they tell me it’s due to the fact that I have no credit score in the U.S. yet.

I haven’t manage to get a better deal than this even through brokers in the area, as it also seems like there aren’t many C 300 Coupe available in the Bay Area.

Is there any way to make this a better deal?

Your credit score isn’t why you aren’t getting a discount off MSRP. You should be aiming for a significantly higher discount by searching for a demo.

The C300 coupes typically lease worse than the sedans, so given the fact that your credit score isn’t high and you’re putting down max MSDs then all you can do is negotiate the selling price lower

Should I aim towards 13%+ MSRP off? At what point will they tell me I’m crazy asking for a higher discount off of MSRP?

It just depends on how badly they want to sell. I’d push until I got to a number I’m confident can’t be beat.

Sorry this doesn’t really help, but what is the sales price? is that the invoice price?

This is what they quoted me for

This is the kind of work @nyclife is doing: Trophy Garage [ Photos ]

Not sure what he can swing for a coupe (nor can I tell from the pictures if that was a coupe or sedan), but I’m sure he’ll find you the best thing you can get for your dollar. Especially in NorCal where he does a lot of his finest work

I don’t have any coupes, the residual is off on those and they don’t normally use them as loaners. That was a sedan

Welp, ignore me then. Sorry OP :face_with_head_bandage:

Thanks though! :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Hi, @nyclife. I’m in the market for a 2017 or 2018 C300 or C350e. I’m located in SoCal. Do you have anything for me? Thanks!

I have a few in norcal

How do I get in touch with you? Sorry. I’ve looked at this forum often, but this is the first time I’ve posted. Should I be DM’ing you somehow?

Hi @nyclife I would be interested in the 2017 or 2018 C300 leases in Norcal.
thank you.

Any in SoCal? …

@thebauss Serious? Did you not read the 4th and 5th post above yours? :man_facepalming:

What about SCal :rofl:

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Acquisition and doc fees looked a bit high to me, but like others have said, coupes lease a bit worse than sedans (I have a C43 Sedan).

Hey @nyclife I’m in the bay area and looking for a C350e w/driver assist pkg if you have any.