2018 Chevy Volt LT - One time pay $7510 (Socal) 🔥

Can you please share the dealer information.

Please PM dealer information. Thank you.

would love to know the dealer info too please

What color was this LT Volt?

It was blue which is marked up a little higher than the lowest price

This is a fantastic deal. I had a similar price but only with 10K miles per year in NorCal. I could’ve done better though.

I am sure the OP got this quote from the sales associate that I referred him to.

You can PM me or OT for her info. She is really the best. Easy to deal with. Never pushes. Never whines… (and no, she does not post here on the forum unfortunately)

I actually got it from another dealership and had him beat her price. If you want the dealer info and my experience on getting this deal, just shoot me a PM. Out of courtesy for the dealership I didn’t add their info as the price is really low compared to their official advertisement.

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oh i see. awesome. good for you. I am sticking with my gal. Thanks.

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Can I get dealer info please? Thanks in advance

Please send me the info

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I don’t see why the dealership would mind if you gave their name. That would be more free advertising for them. Why keep it a secret from these folks in this public forum? :thinking:

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Please PM me the dealer info. Thank you

so this is something I’m confused about. A coworker got his volt for $9700 (with xs wear) without an asian rebate. His total rebate was $6900. Which confuses me as I see most of the people with asian rebates posting about an $8400 rebate (which is only $1500 more than his). Any idea how these rebates break down? the rebate form he signed didn’t list all the rebates (heck, the ones with values only totaled to around $3K) but below them there was the total of $6900. Considering he didn’t own or lease before, it doesn’t seem likely that some loyal / competitive rebate came into play.

anyone able to shed light?

Please share me the dealer details

Would you mind PM-ing me? I tried but not sure how to, would really appreciate learning about your experience as I really want to get a Volt before this month’s deal ends, thanks!

Could you please PM the dealer info? thx

The majority of lease rebates come from federal EV rebate fundamentally. There’s $7500 baked-in that the leasor gets and allocates to rebates and/or inflated residual

To an extent yes, but how much is baked in is fixed by GMF. Basically the rebate number should be the same for every customer (absent of being eligible for some and not others).

Can you please PM me the dealership/salesman contact info?