2018 BMW M3 Competition


Seem like a really good deal to me.
I personally haven’t seen a better deal.

Are loaners considered “new” to the state of NJ? I didn’t think so but could be wrong

$925 acq fee, $200 etch fee, $699 doc fee, $600 DMV and lux tax, $500 I’m guess is cap cost reductions

Why 7.025?

b/c your cap cost triggers luxury tax in NJ

Yea I already included that in the down

Looks great. Can you stack an OL code for an extra $500/$1000?

I don’t have an OL code :frowning:

can you get one from here: Instructions on how to get a BMW OL incentive - March 2019

I can’t find one for New Jersey unfortunately

it doesn’t have to be from a dealership near you. I live in Seattle and have gotten OL codes from dealerships on the East coast and California before, just by signing up for their events.


If anyone would like this deal, please let me know. I may not proceed with it.

PMed but why oh why are you not taking it!!!

Do you have the window sticker? I assume the car is a DCT based on the MSRP?

mods lock this thread. I have first dibs on this!!!

well second dibs since I do hope OP changes his mind and gets this steal of a deal

LOL, if it’s a DCT, which I’m assuming it is based on the price, I’m not interested.

It is DCT.

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Dealership informed me the deal is pending now. Please close thread.