2017 BMW i3 REX 12k/24 mths. One Pay $1303 or 54.29/mth - NJ/NY


OK thanks…are 2017 still available from some dealers

Then you could donate it to charity and get some back on your taxes!

The part I seem to struggle with when talking to dealers is separating out the rebates from dealer discount. In my experience, they will automatically including all rebates, lease cash, etc right off the bat and many will simply say “that’s already included in the discount” when you try to get them to separate out.

So how do you “aim for 13% off” when dealers refuse to break out the BMW incentives until the lease worksheet stage?

Then calculate 13% off + incentives and aim for that if you know their prices include the incentives already.

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I start all negotiations by asking for best sales price pre-incentives. Often time the dealers try and deflect in the first one or two correspondences, so I am persistent and repeatedly ask the same question: “what is the best sales price you can offer, pre-incentives?”. By emailing a sufficiently large number of dealers, you will get at least a few that are reasonably transparent and you can pursue them.

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I was able to replicate the deal for 3 i3s, all $1 over the residual value. The dealer was not willing to go below the residual value and “commit bank fraud” as he put it. With the $13k in discounts, the sweet spot was on cars over $52k with 12k miles. They offered 13% off the 3 cars I wanted initially, but make a mistake on the last one to give my buddy 14% off.

The totals all came out to around $3300 including DMV ($350+ $97 doc), so about $110 per month if you take out the fees.

Sorry, I have 1 more reserved for a friend and the cheapest one they have left isn’t worth it.

You may have found the last few good ones. I actually had several dealers just say flat out no. Then one countered “We receive a lot of inquiries for this remaining i3, and we do not really need to go super agressive on the price. We have people from NJ calling us because they are tax exempt for electric vehicles.”. They are on to us!

I got a pretty good deal from BMW of Silver Spring on a 55.5K i3 2017. 6K OTD for 24 mo, 10K / yr for car to be registered in PA. Max was great.

Does he have any more? At that price, I’d probably get it shipped to Florida.

they had few more 55.5 k higher priced ones at 57 and 58K. Ask for Max

is that 9% off? what rebates did you qualify for?

any updates on the March incentives for i3s?

Bmwusa lists the 7500 iperformance credit but none of the others. Residuals look the same as Feb based upon their published offer.

Wow, some awesome deals people have gotten. I’ve never leased a car before, just purchased.

The i3 with 94ah Rex is very appealing. A friend and I have been searching for 2015 with Rex but we are both concerned about 60ah battery range. Lease seems like a great way. If we can get A or TWO killer deals as listed on 2017 I’d be VERY happy
Dealers are very skilled on their fuzzy math, I’m not so.

I’ll continue to read and hopefully learn.
This information will be very useful to get my mom from her 2014 lexus ES300 into something new.

I see there is a couple great discounts, Orange county California BMW 10k, Southern Calif Edison rebate $450. Clean air act $2500. Called my tax prep, can not get the $7500 fed :frowning:

I spoke with a So Cal Edison rep, she said next 45 days they will announce going to be HUGE rebate for installing level 2 and meter in home.

Any help or PM deal / dealer would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to everyone sharing their info :slight_smile:

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If possible how does a deal like this break down factoring in Bad Credit. So my case is a 620 credit score. Like a couple of us out there I fell on hard times, didn’t pay mortgage for a while, filed for bankruptcy but have since recovered and my payment history for the past 2 years has been excellent. I have a car loan for a used Camry that’s almost paid off, and at the moment my biggest hit is high credit card debt that can come down. Anyway that’s probably TMI or not enough, but again how much negotiation is there when you factor in Sub 680 Credit scores. thanks in advance. And Yest I’m in the NYC area

Since you have already done the BK roundtrip once, just get a decent used car and don’t load up your Debt to Income (DTI) any further…

A post was merged into an existing topic: Leasehackr in Bloomberg News article re the BMW $54 i3 deal EDIT: THE DEAL IS LONG DEAD AND OYSTER BAY BMW IS A DISASTER OF A DEALER

Any way to get this deal in chicago?

And it’s begun…